meeting my kidlets

Well, today's the day! Nashville to Atlanta to Amsterdam to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

The thing I'm most looking forward to on this trip is meeting my kidlets: the children I sponsor through Food for the Hungry. I get to see where they live and visit with them and their families.

I. Can't. Wait!

There's Nathinael, who won me over with his smiling eyes. He's in first grade and doesn't like hot weather. (He would not have enjoyed Nashville last week, that's for sure.)

Then there's sweet Chaltu. She's in Kindergarten and loves to play jump rope. (Her rogue braid is almost as adorable as her squishable cheeks!)

And 16-year-old Aklilu loves to play soccer. His favorite color is red and he has an amazing smile! (Seriously. Look at that smile!)

I'm really excited to meet and hug my kidlets! I can't wait for them to move from my fridge into my arms, and even deeper into my heart.

You want a kidlet now too, don't you?!

Sponsor a child in one of the communities I'll be visiting this week!

Don't forget to join us for the live Twitter chat on Thursday. It'll be at 2 PM Eastern / 1 PM Central, using the hashtag #FHBloggers.