beautiful redemption

Back when I was living in South Africa, leading a ministry there, I had dreamed of hosting a Blogger Mission Trip. I wanted to make it possible for this amazing Gritty community to come be a part of what we were doing. In fact, we'd already solidified the dates and details, I'd announced it on my blog, and people were signing up. Then when the bottom started falling out of my world, I had to push pause on pretty much everything, including the Blogger Trip.

So the opportunity to help plan and participate in a Blogger Mission Trip with Food for the Hungry is a slice of beautiful redemption.

In something so personal where I've mourned the death of yet another dream, God has gone and made beauty out of the ashes. He really does redeem all things.

And you, my Gritty family, still get to be a part of it all.

Travel with me by following my updates on Facebook, Twitter, and The Grit.

Track along with the #FHBloggers hashtag on Twitter and Instagram, and join us for the live Twitter chat this Thursday.

Sponsor a child in the communities I'll be visiting this week.

Go with me in prayer — for safety, health, and a heart that stays open to all God wants to do.

I leave tomorrow. Please come along with me in every way you can.