
I've gotten some flak over my blog post about that short-story competition. "C" left a numbered-list comment to point out his/her disdain over the fact that I asked my blogging community to vote. He/she clearly does not like my writing, stating that my story was "terrible," "full of cliches, ambiguities, abstracts," and "does not deserve to win." While harsh, C's remarks made me chuckle ("WWJD?"), and graciously taught me the word carousel.

Some discussion has even arisen in the comments over at the contest itself. "Babygurl69" (dontcha just love that?!) bluntly asks how my story is possibly getting any votes. She again FYI'd me about the word carousel, and pointed out that my "worthless anecdote" is "littered with dialogue ambiguity."

C showed up there as well, rehashing most of the same arguments he/she aired on my blog and soaboxing about the fact that my blog post "received nearly 500 comments". Too bad C didn't actually read those comments; 90% had nothing to do with the contest and everything to do with authenticity in relationships.

Mr. Scocco answered them both, and even seemed to defend both my blog and my writing ability (well, kinda).

The most ironic part is that I've remained in second place since the contest started. All this hoo-ha, and I'm not even winning.

And now here I sit, pondering this whole situation and wondering: What would Jesus do? (I wonder how His response to C would have differed from mine.)

In all honesty (as always), I don't think there's anything wrong with asking my friends to support me in an internet-based writing contest that is open to votes from the general population. I see it like I see American Idol or any of those other reality TV shows whose winners are determined by the voting public. If only seasoned professionals voted, we may very well end up with a different outcome, but that's not how the game works.

What do you think?