When It Rains, It Pours

It was raining in my house last night. Well, not literally, but it sure seemed like it.

We fell into bed shortly before midnight. Niel started snoring right away and I began reading a few more chapters in my book. Suddenly I heard this strange sound, almost like a waterfall. Our home has a tin roof so the sound of rain is very distinct (and loud!). I knew it didn't sound like rain normally does, but I couldn't imagine what else it could be. So I peeked my head out the front door, and confirmed that it was indeed not raining. Perplexing...

As the sound continued, I walked into our guest room to see if it sounded different in there. As I turned on the light, I discovered that water was streaming through the ceiling all over the bed! As I began grabbing everything off the bed (and moving it into the office) and calling for Niel to come and help, my brain finally processed what was happening. The geyser (hot water heater) is directly above the guest bed - that was what was "raining" into the room! Which explained why all the water, which was drenching me in the process of moving everything, was so hot!

We moved the bed out of the way, threw towels on the floor, and laid out bucket after bucket to catch all the water. Niel finally got the water to the house turned off and the waterfall became a steady drip, which became a slow drip, which eventually became a nonexistent drip. We came into the office, plopped into our chairs, and just looked at each other, shaking our heads.

When it rains, it most certainly pours...