Tomato, Tomahto

Last weekend I went to my first concert in nearly a decade! Having lived in South Africa for more than eight years, I don't often have the opportunity to attend events such as concerts. While there are several bands I've always wanted to see (Caedmon's Call, for one), I've just never been somewhere at the same time as them.

Last weekend, Casting Crowns played in Pretoria (about 4 hours from us). Rebecca treated me for my birthday - she, Jen, and I went up for the concert and spent the night in the city before coming home. We had so much fun! The concert was awesome - more like a worship/ministry night than a show - and all of us have decided we like Casting Crowns even more now!

As we were waiting for them to come on stage, the MC got everyone to start chanting the band's name. But, the word "casting" said with a South African accent sounds like "CAH-sting". So, imagine in your mind a crowd of 5000 people chanting, "CAH-STING CROWNS! CAH-STING CROWNS! CAH-STING CROWNS!"

We laughed.