el nino

In all of the storms we've had lately, we've had a lot of lightning. Scary amounts of lightning. So-close-you-can-reach-out-and-touch-it kind of lightning. In one such storm, one of our foals got struck by lightning while she was (presumably) drinking at one of the dams. It wasn't our newest born foal, but Philly (daughter of Phoebe). She was dead when we found her...

Yesterday, out of nowhere, the temperature plummeted tremendously. Since then, it has been freezing -- literally winter-cold. We have a fire in our fireplace, leaving our living room nice and toasty and causing us to avoid the remainder of the house! Definitely need to add an extra blanket to our bed before we sleep tonight...

So it's been some interesting weather lately. Lightning, freezing, flooding ... Are we still blaming all weather-related weirdnesses like this on El Niño?