Re-Joyce in the Lord

Most people in South Africa have house help. Including us. It is definitely a blessing which I am very thankful for, although it was difficult for me to get used to at first. Joyce, who works in our home, is a pure delight. She always has a smile on her face and is a blast to be around. She is an incredibly hard worker, often helping me cook as well as clean the house and wash laundry.

But Joyce is more than a "domestic worker"; she is also a friend. I've celebrated her children's birthdays with her family (in fact, her daughter Nomboso turned 9 yesterday), and I've mourned with her over the loss of her loved ones.

Since yesterday, I haven't been feeling well. I've had a fever off and on, but mostly it's my sore and swollen throat that is bothering me. This morning was particularly rough; I took a slow morning before finally crawling out of my bedroom. When Joyce saw me, she asked, "What's wrong?" (That tells you how great I looked!) After telling her that I wasn't feeling well, she asked, "Can I pray for you?" She then hugged me and prayed for me in Sesotho.

While I still feel yucky on the outside, that moment with Joyce this morning warmed my heart...