my story

Because of a friend's recent realization about her passion for writing, I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I enjoy it. Writing, that is. This morning, I was reminded that God is the author and finisher of my faith. I pondered that fact. Author of my faith. Author of me.

He is writing my story. And I'm watching it unfold before my eyes. Watching the path appear before my feet. (I have a mental picture of walking into nothingness, but just as each foot is lifted to take a step, the next bit of paved path appears... Written into existence.)

He is the perfect author. He needs no editor. He needs no second draft. He needs no backspace. He writes it perfectly the first time.

Author and finisher. No abandoned writing projects. No half-hearted attempts. No arms-in-the-air, "I quit!" moments. He finishes what He starts. Completely. Thoroughly. He is writing my story till the end. There are many chapters I have yet to see, but they are there.

As much as I love to write, God loves it even more. He was the first to do it. And He's the best at it.

Combine His love for writing with His love for me, and you get my name written on the palms of His hands. Leaves me wordless...