Looking Back to Look Ahead

I just cannot get my mind around the fact that it is 2006.

A decade ago I graduated high school. (No reunion planned - I checked!)

8 years ago I moved to Africa - a young, green missionary wondering what God had in store.

5+ years ago I got married - a young, green wife wondering what God had in store! :-)

4 years ago our ministry exploded as we bought our 2500-acre base and increased our responsibility and workload 100-times over.

2 years ago my parents joined us for Christmas in South Africa, finally seeing and experiencing our lives and ministry firsthand.

Last year Niel and I visited 9 countries (not including South Africa) between January and December.

And now, here we are... January, 2006. I look back back with awe at how God has made Ephesians 3:20 a reality in my life, and I look ahead with expectation and hope for all He has yet to do!