like an iceberg

What's the most significant thing God did in you this year? That's what we asked the interns tonight. We didn't want to hear about what He did through them or how He used them to impact others. We wanted to hear what He did inside them. And we heard some incredible answers:

I found who I am in Christ. I moved from Christianity to an intimate relationship with God. I realized I am worth something to Him. I came to terms with stuff from my past and realized God's redemptive power.

Wonderful things. And yet, Niel told the interns he wasn't satisfied with their responses.

He challenged them to go deeper. We had the sense that though they were honest, they'd remained very surfacey. They didn't share with openness and transparency, and if they couldn't do that in this community of people, how could they expect to do so with people back home...

We talked some more, and then we opened the floor. We invited anyone who wanted to, to answer the question again. Tears flowed down my cheeks as many of them shared their fears, insecurities, doubts, and weaknesses. In complete and utter honesty they told us the specifics of how God had changed them---how He's continuing to change them. It was such a holy moment.

So I want to leave you with the same question. You're welcome to leave your answer in the comments. (I love when God chooses to use this platform for us to learn from each other and encourage one another's walk.)  If you'd rather not share your response here, I totally understand and respect that. Making time to still answer the question for yourself would definitely be worthwhile.

What's the most significant thing God did in you this year?