four-minute friday: happenings

Go. I've been back in Africa for ten days. And while my days have been filled with all sorts of hard, there's also been a lot of really wonderful randomness.

Like staying up late and sleeping in long with my SweetFriend.

We've watched dozens of episodes of Ally McBeal, which means we have a whole list of new words that are now popping up in our vocabulary. Like snappish, bygones, disparaged, throes. They're fun. You should try them sometime.

I'd left behind a stash of American treats that are now pretty much all expired. I don't know why I even bother checking the date when I'm going to just shrug and eat it anyway. Here's to stale Wheat Thins, questionable salsa con queso, and surprisingly still-good cookies that expired a year and a half ago.

God's good to me and only our first few days here were freezing. I learned how to rock my fireplace, which isn't as easy as simply pushing a button to light the "fake" gas fire. I'm talking wood, newsprint, and matches --- Survivor-style. But today was sunny enough that I actually got away with just a short-sleeve shirt for a while. The fact that I'm wearing a fleece over it right now doesn't take away from the joy of being de-layered earlier.

Sheesh, these four minutes went by too quickly.

All that to say, even though being here is really hard... There is beauty in my ashes.

