flotsam and jetsam

The past two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I've missed being online, blogging, and responding to emails. (Sorry I've been AWOL!) Here's a quick recap for you... Between back-to-back meetings in Denver we managed to squeeze in a quick visit to Red Rocks.

We enjoyed some sunshine in California, and got to spend a day with one of our former interns.

We then headed to Seattle for a bit, where we spent an evening with Sydney & Co. and met Nadine. We arrived back in New York on Saturday night, and the very next day took the train downtown with my brother...

to eat at my favorite Italian restaurant...

and watch the Yankees sadly get beaten by the Mets. (Even though we lost miserably, I'm glad to have made it to a game during the final season at their stadium.)

And who can resist a baseball-game hot dog?

(Which of course isn't helping me at all with my fat arse...)

Niel and I visited a kennel (I'm not really sure what to call it actually...) where we could see and pet a bunch of different breeds of puppies. The discussion continues... but we're much, much closer!

In less than 24 hours, Niel will be on his way back to South Africa and I will be in Wisconsin. Pray for us!