It's Easter, and I'm mindful of the fact that there is always redemption. When my situation looks bleak, I need to remember that God can bring life when it looks as though there's none to be found. That makes my heart smile. Interesting bites from my week...
- Last Easter I used my last egg-dying kits, so this was the first year in a very long time that I didn't color eggs. I decided to color my flotsam and jetsam instead. Though it was egg-less, we had a great day. The Thrive family of staff and interns came over for a braai (barbecue) and we had a fun time together.
- I was out of the office more than I was in it this week... leaving me with 219 emails still to answer! (219 emails = busy week ahead!)
- We closed the ministry Thursday and Friday to celebrate Easter with a long weekend off from work. Our staff and interns seemed appreciative of the extra days to relax and recoup.
- Some friends have been visiting with us this weekend. I've really enjoyed the down-time I've gotten to spend with them... it's been good for my soul.
- I had some great Google searches this week. My favorites...
- love to be barefoot --- Not me!
- what to do in harrismith --- Let me know when you figure that out...
- can't do nothing with my hair --- I know the feeling.
- russian curtain decor --- Ahem...
- dam butt --- I guess if I had a dam day, I could have a dam butt too.
- I wore an African dress to an Easter service at a local church. The mamas loved it! Joyce and I sort-of matched in our African Easter dresses, and we took pictures together for the first time ever!

Joyce is so beautiful!
And she was so proud that we were wearing similar-looking seshoeshoe (suh-shway-shway) dresses.