your Qs my As

your Q's, my A's: favorites

I'm still working my way through the questions y'all asked back on the Your Q's, My A's post. There were a ton of favorite questions. I thought you knew I'm no good at favorites! Maybe that's why you asked them. Hmmm....

Well, I'm gonna try to answer these quickly. First answer that comes to mind kinda thing. So it's more like my favorite-of-the-moment. But that counts, right?!

Here goes:

Favorite food? Italian. Good Italian.

Favorite Starbucks drink? Right now... iced cinnamon dolce latte.

Favorite band? This. is. so. hard. for. me! I'mma go with Caedmon's Call even though it's been ages since I've listened to them...

Favorite book you've ever read? I wish I could look at my bookshelf to answer this! I've got such bad recall! // Fiction: My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult  // Non-Fiction: Next Generation Leader, by Andy Stanley

Favorite book you've read in the past year? Fiction: The Help, by Kathryn Stockett // Non-Fiction: Plan B, by Pete Wilson

Favorite movie? This seriously feels impossible! Let's say... French Kiss.

Feel free to answer any or all. And while the Wizard is being cooperative, feel free to ask some other "favorite" questions.