Can We Take a Snow Day?

It is so cold here today. While our winter started off really cold, with snow and all, it's been fairly mild the past few weeks. Cold, but not as bad as we all expected. Well, I think it may have been saving up for today. It is so nasty outside: freezing cold, windy, and snowing heavily. The plus-side is that, in my mind, the snow makes the cold weather worthwhile. At least there's something to show for it. On the down-side, the lack of indoor heating makes it unbearably cold pretty much anywhere we are. Everyone is roughing it in the office today, with blankets, gloves, and heaters galore.

This weekend we are taking our staff down to the Indian Ocean for a staff retreat. Unfortunately, the weather forecast for Ballito isn't looking too good right now. We're hoping it warms up by Friday so we can enjoy the beach a bit. Next week we're off to a safari lodge for debriefing with our Outreach Staff; their two months with us is coming quickly to an end. We are getting ready to leave for the States on August 12 (yikes! only 10 days from today!) and will be there through October. We are really looking forward to soaking up the end-of-summer sun!

Niel's making a fire in our fireplace. Relocating from my cold office to the couch sounds really good about now...