Books and Beaches

I love to read and it is always bittersweet when I finish a good book. The point of starting a book is obviously finishing it and discovering what happens along the way. So the "sweet" in getting to the end is accomplishing that and seeing the unraveling of the events and lives in the story. The "bitter" is the sudden end. If a book is well-written, it draws me in and connects me to the characters. To finish the book is to close the door on them and leave them behind. Bittersweet indeed. We are heading to Cape Town with some friends for a much-needed vacation. Niel and Deon left at 2:30 this morning to drive all the way down; Simone, their kids, and I are driving to Joburg tomorrow morning and flying to Cape Town. I'm so looking forward to the break, the change of scenery, and the opportunity to read more books than I usually have time for!