book deals and comment wars

Today's the day Cheech and Chong get evicted. If you're unsure who Cheech and Chong are, let me clarify: They are not my boobs. They are my tonsils. And they have names because, well, anything that big deserves to be called by a proper noun.

But alas, it's time for them to go. Don't worry too much about them; from what I hear, they already have a book deal.

As for me, I certainly appreciate your prayers!

It's probably gonna be a little quiet around here for the next few days, at least from my end but hopefully not from yours. You see, we're getting close to the 10,000th comment mark. I'm not telling you how close, because...

Whoever posts the 10,000th comment wins!

Wins what? you wonder. Not telling. But believe you me, it will be so worth it!

Couple o' rules:

  1. Comments must consist of full sentences to count.
  2. The winner has to email me a picture of him/herself with the prize (upon receipt of it), to be featured here at the Grit.

I'll see you again when I'm a few pounds lighter (yes, they are that big!). And may the best blogger win!