four-minute friday

four-minute friday: ostriches


There are two ostriches outside my office. One keeps knocking on the door. (I'm serious!) The other is staring intently at me through the window next to my desk. Hello, lovely ladies.

She has intriguing eyes. Have you ever seen an ostrich blink? It's very...interesting. Mildly gross, even. But her eyes are larger than life, and her eyelashes are Maybelline perfect.

I wonder why they're staying here; they've been here for hours already. Occasionally, they walk back to the grass to eat a bit, and then they stroll back over. They clean their feathers, strut their stuff, and knock on the glass. I wonder what -- if anything -- is going through their walnut-sized brains. (Did you know their brains are smaller than their eyeballs? Now how's that for a Snapple fact!?)

If nothing else, it's making my day in the office more exciting than it normally would have been. I've got a song on repeat and am ready to crack down on a big project. Thanks for keeping me company, ladies.


four-minute friday (on sunday): penguins

Go. After a 15-hour drive, we made it to Cape Town around 8:00 last night. Niel and I each drove a vehicle full of interns, the entire way. I think we stopped to pee about 6 times (??); my friend Laura took a picture at each stop to document the moment. I'll post some with the rest of our Cape Town pictures at the end of my trip.

We're here till Friday for debriefing. Then the interns fly home on Sunday.

I laughed at the clumsy African penguins this afternoon. (Don't believe me that there are penguins in Africa? I'm serious!) They are very funny to watch. Especially with our added commentary. And of course, we had to laugh that their name was changed in recent years to "African Penguin" from "Jackass Penguin".

It felt good to laugh.

I think we're eating tacos tonight. Mmmm...

Did you know I love Cape Town? I do. It's my favorite place in all of South Africa. There's city, mountains, and ocean. It doesn't get much better than that. There's also a place called New York Bagel that is just fantastic. And did I mention, there's city?! Yeah, I enjoy it here.


four-minute friday: goodbyes

Go. Today was the interns' last day at Hope House. My heart ached for them as they said their goodbyes. Watching them lavish their love on the children, hug them close, whisper "I love you"s, look at their faces so intently so as to lock the images in their heart and mind forever... It was beautiful.

Love is a beautiful thing.

I took a lot of pictures today. And my little boy eventually came over and spent a bit of time in my arms. I hugged him. I taught him to say "Rhubarb". We sang "Ha-le-lu". He laughed. And I didn't want to let him go.

But I did.


four-minute friday: women of africa

Go. I look around the room.

Women sing vivaciously; their faces aglow and expressive. Some dance toward the front of the hall. Without restraint, hesitation, or any self-consciousness whatsoever, they dance and dance and dance. Completely unashamed. With total abandonment.

I sway (my cheap version of dancing). My smile makes up for my whiteness.

Their voices -- beautiful, blended, strong -- catch my heart. I am certain they catch God's as well.

My smile grows with each rhythmic beat. I close my eyes, listening with more than my ears. For the briefest of moments, I feel peace.

I love the women of Africa.


four-minute friday: starbucks

Go. Two days in. It's time to change the calendar.

Hmmm. Wasn't as bad as I thought. Our calendar is one I made with our very own pictures. And, in honor of my favorite time of year in America, the picture for November is:

red cup of happiness

Although I'm miles and miles---okay, an entire ocean---away from the nearest Starbucks, and I'm missing the beautiful autumn of Long Island, that picture makes my heart smile. Seeing it, I can't help but be reminded of friends, comforting smells, and the joy of holding a hot cup of chai in my hands. Reminiscent of home.

I'm glad I turned the page.

What are you enjoying most about this time of year?


four-minute friday: cold

Go. It's freezing here today. Well, not literally, and not as cold as it was a few months ago. But considering it's summer and that we had 80-degree weather not too long back, every bit of today's 52 degrees has soaked into my bones. I feel cold on the inside. I need to take vitamins.

And then there's the tip of my nose. It's frigid. Wanna feel it?

I normally would have drank back-to-back hot frothy beverages to warm myself up. But I had the disgusting discovery this morning that my brand-new carton of milk was sour. I discovered it as I ate a spoonful of milk-laden cereal. I almost threw up. Unfortunately, no hot frothiness for me.

It's cold when it shouldn't be cold.

I know my heart gets like that, too. All too often.


four-minute friday: rain

Go. We're in our rainy season. It started very late, but it's finally upon us. It rained quite a bit today; the sky blanketed in a dreary gray and shedding tears on a dry and weary land.

Africa is weeping.

It weeps for its people. It weeps for all that's been lost. It weeps for all that could be.

It weeps for Natalie leaving. It weeps for me.

The earth is springing to life. Everyday I notice more and more green; the ground is coming alive again. It's truly a beautiful sight.

Dreary days like we had today make me want to curl up on my comfortable couch with a cozy blanket, a hot frothy beverage, and a good book. Or a loved one.

I could do none of that today. Hopefully soon.
