
Going Picnicking

I bought a hat the other day - a cute blue and yellow one. My mom always tells me I'm a hat person, so I figured I'd give it a go... This morning, the plan was to just lounge around at home - and I dressed accordingly. Shorts and my "beach shirt" - a pink and darker-pink striped shirt that Niel bought me with the help of one of my friends in Michigan. Around 1:30, Niel and I ended up needing to drive some of the staff into town; as we were heading out the door, I grabbed my new hat and added it to my already looking-great-for-town ensemble.

Just as we were leaving, Niel's mom came by to ask us something. She interrupted herself when she saw me in my getup and asked, "Oh, are you guys going picnicking?!" Niel and I burst out laughing...and have continued laughing about it all day!

Chilly, Chili, and Yahtzee

Ironic that our internet would go down after my last post... This weekend the weather got really cold, which is very unusual for us this time of year. The cold weather made me decide to step up a family tradition. Every year, we Ronzinos make chili for Christmas Eve. Even here in SA, where the weather is often too hot to thoroughly enjoy such a meal, we typically do so as well. On Sunday it was freezing, though, so I decided to do it early. I made chili on Monday for lunch; I think we may have enjoyed it more since the weather was a little more suitable than usual...

I wrapped Christmas presents and laid them out under our tree. Marie (Niel's mom) brought by her gifts and put them out as well. It's looking full and festive. The only things missing are in the four boxes my mom mailed us. We are praying that they arrive by Saturday morning so we can open them for Christmas...

This weekend we discovered that one of our newly-purchased horses was pregnant...because she gave birth! We went out to see the foal just hours after she was born; she is so sweet! She was still wobbly on her feet, with her legs (and knees) looking way too big for her little body.

Her mother's name is Farkle (after the fun dice game, much loved by our staff and interns); in keeping with the theme, we named the foal Yahtzee. Now we have Phoebe, Philly, Frank (pronounced the same as the Every-Party-Has-a-Pooper-Frank in Father of the Bride), Farkle, and Yhatzee. Fun times.