acquired taste

I met my friend Jen Price on Twitter. (Story of my life these days... And I love it!) After a few Tweet convos, blog visits, and emails, I knew we were kindred spirits. She and her husband Jeremy pioneered a ministry in South Africa a decade+ ago and are currently back in the States on sabbatical. Jeremy just finished up work on his debut EP project, and I got a sneak peek a few weeks ago.

Now, those who know me well know I have zero music skills, but that I love love love good music.

Believe me when I tell you, Jeremy's EP Acquired Taste is definitely good music.

I love the irony of the album name, because it's certainly anything but an acquired taste. Right off the bat, Jeremy drew me in with his raw honesty, the simplicity of his acoustic style, and his poignant lyrics. (I'm such a words girl!)

Acquired Taste is peaceful and profound. It is compelling,  unique, and soul-stirring.

I asked Jeremy about his heart and journey with this project, and how his work in Africa ties in with it all. In his own words---

I have been writing songs for over 15 years and spent much of my early adult life playing music all over the world. The last few years I have set it aside while building Ten Thousand Homes. But now is the time. Ten Thousand Homes is a movement of ordinary people actively building HOPE and creating HOMES for Africa’s orphans and vulnerable children. In creating home for these children we try to inspire them to pursue joy. In the midst of great tragedy and loss, we desire for them to pursue their dreams, that which gives them joy. My pursuit in joy has always led me to music. And one day I realized that to really help these guys I must all out pursue that which gives me joy. So for the first time, freaked out and completely blessed, I am releasing my first EP, Acquired Taste. I chose songs that were not all written recently. One was written this year, while others go back as far as 8 years ago. The title track Acquired Taste was written while in the bush of Africa. I really wanted to represent a journey, and while this is a simple recording, I am extremely proud of it! What I know now is that this is only the beginning! I continue to work in Africa, and while Ten Thousand Homes has no paid staff, the sale of these albums does help the work continue. Thank you for listening. Thank you for investing in dreams. Now, go pursue that which brings you joy!

So do yourself a favor, and go listen to Jeremy's incredible album. If you like what you hear, and I know you will, you can download it for as little as $3! You can't beat that!

Listen to and Download Acquired Taste.

Follow Jeremy on Twitter.

Like him on Facebook.


Then share with the rest of the class...

What is it that brings you joy?

going to church together

Sounds a bit strange to say this, but one of the very few constants I've had over the past 4 years is my online community. The other day, my friend Tracee described my blog as being my "one consistent home." I love the imagery of that because it perfectly describes how my heart feels with my friends around the world, even if I may only get to connect with them through a computer screen.

For years while living overseas, my lifeline was found in emails, blogs, podcasts, & downloadable sermons.

It's how I stayed connected to people and found ways to keep my heart and spirit filled up. I never really had internet reliable or fast enough to stream a live church service, but dang I would have loved that!

As I've moved around America over the past couple years, my online friends were the only ones who moved with me everywhere I went.

Having known what it's like to rely on the internet for community---due to location, circumstances, whatever---I believe strongly in social media and online church. I just appreciate and value the impact it can make in someone's life, because I know the impact it's had in mine.

So even though I attend church on Sunday mornings, I'm also involved in Cross Point's Internet Campus in the evenings. And I love it.

We watch the same message that is shared at all Cross Point campuses that day, and there is always great discussion in the chat. People share their thoughts, ask questions, pray for one another... It's insightful and, honestly, a lot of fun.

My favorite element is that after the message, Pete Wilson (or whoever spoke that day) makes himself available for a live Q&A with those watching online.

I love that!

I have never before known a pastor who openly invites people to ask him questions about his message and his own faith journey. I've seen Pete get asked some difficult questions, and he always responds with honesty and humility.

So... If you're craving some more community, aren't able to make it out to church, or just want to hear some solid teaching... then you should join us at the Internet Campus.

Let's go to church together this Sunday night!

Sundays at 6:00 PM Central Time

Have you ever done church online? What are your thoughts?

on friendships

I moved to Nashville to chase down community. With everything I've gone through in the past few years, I knew I needed a strong group of people around me as I get settled back into life in America and embark on Me 2.0. Through social media, I'd gotten to know quite a few people in and around Nashville. I'd found friends. I'd found an amazing church. I'd found community. So this is where I decided to land.

And there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

Though since I've gotten here, community hasn't taken shape like I fairy-tale-hoped it would. Like everything in life, it doesn't just happen. It takes hard work. I've been seeking it out as I've been able, and learning to trust God with all of it.

Friendships don't always pan out the way you'd like them to. People move away; seasons change; life is busy. So my community looks very different than I'd anticipated. Not in a bad way... just different. I love the unexpected new friends God has brought into my life, and at times still mourn the loss of others.

Finding out who your friends are -- and who they aren't -- is sometimes a painful lesson. Ultimately good, but hard nonetheless.

So I'm on a journey of discovering what it means to hold people and relationships loosely while still investing deeply and authentically. (I'm pretty sure I've been on this journey my whole life...)

I don't know where the line is. Or if there even is a line.

How do I maintain a soft heart and tough skin? I honestly don't know.

As usual, I have more questions than answers here at The Grit. There's no red bow to wrap this up neatly, because these are lessons I'm still learning. A path I'm still navigating. Things I'm still just Forrest-Gumping my way through.

But this much I know is true: I am so very grateful for the incredible people God has placed in my life, near and far. My friends truly make my life richer. I owe so much to the grace, generosity, faithfulness, and love of friends.

On friendships... What's something you struggle with? What's something you know for sure?

me 2.0

I just stumbled upon the beginnings of a blog post that's been collecting dust in my drafts folder since January. I am the queen of unfinished ideas and unpublished posts. Sigh...


Back in January I attended Dream Year Weekend here in Nashville. I was wrestling through my own feelings of dreamlessness, and didn't know how to reconcile that with all the amazing stuff I was hearing at Dream Year. I had some candid conversations with a few key friends to help me sort through my own heart thoughts.

Segments of one of those conversations (a text convo at that!) have been sitting in my dusty draft blog post folder all this time.

It is amazing to see the truth and strength of the words spoken to me almost a year ago, and how they have taken shape in my life over the course of this year.

The cliff-notes version of my friend's wisdom:

  • You don't need to find a new vision.
  • Your vision, purpose, and passion are the core of who you are. You are all about influencing people to change for the better and to pursue Christ. That is your heart, and that hasn't changed.
  • Your ministry in Africa was the vehicle and tool you used to express that and live that out for 13 years.
  • Now you need to discover a different vehicle and tool to express it. But your heartbeat hasn't changed.
  • That's why you've continued to be an influence through your blog, your relationships, & your Twitter interactions. That is simply who you are, no matter what.
  • As you look forward into the future, the vehicle for living that out and expressing it will need to change. But the essence of who you are and what your passions are won't.
  • Let's work on discovering a new vehicle...

That was a whole lotta wisdom and a whole lotta truth. In a text conversation. That my friend probably doesn't even remember having.

You know what I titled the draft post I had those bullet-points saved in?

"Me 2.0"

And a year later, I find myself finally realizing and embracing that.

Me 2.0.

I've begun recognizing ways that my passions and heart can continue to be lived out, even though my ministry in Africa closed. Even though it looks totally different than anything I'd ever anticipated.

So as I sit here thinking through all this, and finally turning this dusty draft into a real, live post... all I keep thinking is this:

You really never know how impactful your words can be in someone's life. Even a simple text message can make a world of difference.

So, today...

Speak into your loved ones' situation. In person, on the phone, in an email, via text... whatever. Just speak life into their heart.

They need it even more than you'll ever know.

one word 2011 wrap-up

December is here. (Can you believe it?) And it's got me wondering how your One Word journey has been. I'm still amazed at the 300-people-strong community that rallied around the One Word challenge this year. I hope each of you, in unique and different ways, experienced your word come to life.

We would all benefit from hearing each other's journeys.

So do us all a favor -- yourself included -- and make time this month to write a post about your own personal One Word journey.

The places it took you -- inwardly and outwardly...

How it shaped your year...

How it shaped you...

And where it leaves you as the year comes to an end.

Then come back and link up your Wrap-Up post so we can rally around one another for one last surge of encouragement, inspiration, and challenge as we conclude One Word 2011.

Don't forget that the year isn't over yet. Be intentional everyday about finishing strong.

You've got this.

And you've got an army of One Worders standing with you.

I've got some exciting things in the works for One Word 2012! If you haven't already, start thinking about your word for next year.