One Word 365

One Word Mile-Marker: Halfway

It's June. The year is half over. So it's time to check in with everyone for a mid-year One Word 2011 update.

I would love to hear how your word has developed in you over the past six months, how it has impacted you and the ways it's taken on significance in your life...

How has your word taken shape? And how has it shaped you?

Does it mean something different to you now than you thought it would?

How has it steered your decisions, plans, and actions?

How do you remain intentional about it? How can you continue to focus on it during the rest of the year?

This is a mile-marker.

To look back and see how far you've come, but also to help you set your sights forward on the six months that lie ahead of you.

What do you want to do differently with the second half of the year?

It's a way to take your pulse, honestly process how you're really doing, and purposefully step into the rest of the year.

Would you write a blog post about your One Word?

And then come back here and link up so the whole community can read it?

I think it would be incredible if each of us took time to read at least 5 update posts from this link list. We can speak words of life and truth to each other's hearts, and rally around one another in encouragement and support.

You can do this.

We can do this.

Together, let's finish strong.


Write your update blog post, then come back and add the link here. (Use the permalink to the specific post, not just your homepage.)

look up

My One Word this year is look. And I've gotta be honest, I haven't done a very good job of looking lately... I stumbled back upon these amazing words, emailed to me by a friend months ago. It was written in 1865 and still speaks so clearly to my heart in 2011.

: : :

"Look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!" -Luke 21:28

In whatever state, in whatever place, into whatever condition we may be brought this year---let us seek grace to follow our Lord's loving advice, and "look up!"


Look up---for this will keep...

the head from swimming,

the heart from sinking,

the knees from trembling,

the feet from slipping, and

the hands from hanging down!


Look up...

for all that you need;

from all that you fear;

through all that would obstruct your way.


Do not look at your sin---it will discourage you!

Do not look at your self---it will distress you!

Do not look at Satan---he will bewilder you!

Do not look to men---they will deceive or disappoint you!

Do not look at your trials---they will deject you!

Look only, look always, look intently---to Jesus!


Run looking, work looking, fight looking, suffer looking, live looking, and die looking---to Jesus, who is at God's right hand in glory.

Oh, look, look, look to Jesus!

[From James Smith's "A New Year's Motto", 1865]

eyes wide open

I'm living life with my eyes wide open this year.

Okay, if I'm being most honest---I'm trying to.


Other times, it just feels too hard. Because I don't like what I see. Because it leaves me with more questions than answers. Because it's blurry and I crave clarity.

But sometimes... I get it right.

I force myself to look closely, and I see unexpected glimpses of His grace.

I see Him in the mail I open, filled with love from miles away. He shows up in hot frothy beverages, snow-capped mountains, a solid night of sleep. I spot Him in the soft, cozy blanket that keeps me company on a sick day. I catch His smile in the faces of my friends and in the music that makes me dance without even thinking about it.

He is here.

I see Him.

And He shows Himself to me so uniquely, so perfectly, so just-for-me, that I know... He sees me.

He sees me.

He. Sees. Me.

That puts a whole new perspective on my looking. It shifts my heart from seeking a God who is far-off to looking for Him in the most personal details of my life. It reminds me that He cares about my small things.

So today... Today I am definitely living with my eyes wide open.

I want to see the One who sees me.


Where have you unexpectedly seen Him lately?

one word: one thing

I've had so many conversations in the past month about our One Words. On Twitter. Via email. In person. One on one. As a group. It's been incredible. Really. Absolutely incredible. I'm amazed that people are even still thinking about it, never mind talking about it. Not in the pat-myself-on-the-back sorta way, because I assure you I am well aware that I have very little to do with it. I'm just astounded at the ways -- big and small -- that God continues to use this in people's lives. Including my own.

I think maybe every 3 months I'll put up one of those linky things again so we can easily read "official" updates from each other. But I really hope you'll blog pretty often about how your word is shaping you.

We all know that "two are better than one" and that there is great power in community. Team up with one other One Worder to journey together this whole year. That will look different for each pair, but you could regularly check in with each other, ask specific questions, pray faithfully for one another, send verses and encouragement, etc. It could be someone you know online or someone in your local area. If you want to find someone to team up with, a good start would be to read through the posts linked up on our community page.

Someone asked me the other day if it was too late to choose a word. Of course not! If you haven't yet, quiet your heart and listen for the word God is whispering to you. If you already have your word, encourage someone to join you. Pick one person you know and specifically invite them to join you in this challenge for the rest of the year.

28 days in, I still find myself actively looking. One specific thing I'm doing is to end each day by thinking through how I saw and experienced God that day. Some nights it's easier to recall than others. As for tonight?

I looked for God today. I saw Him in a friendship that is so beautifully comfortable. There in that exhale for my heart, He was unmistakably present.

What is one specific thing you are doing to stay focused on your word?