Life in Africa

care instructions

A friend pointed out that my new Bible has care instructions printed in it.

We suggest loosening the binding of your new Bible by gently pressing on a small section of pages at a time from the center. To ensure against breakage of the spine, it is best not to bend the cover backward around the spine or to carry study notes, church bulletins, pens, etc., inside the cover. Because a felt-tipped marker will "bleed" through the pages, we recommend use of a ball-point pen or pencil to underline favorite passages. Your Bible should not be exposed to excessive heat, cold, or humidity.

In addition to making me smile, reading that also makes me wonder... What other things in my life have I allowed to be damaged by not noticing or heeding the care instructions? My marriage? Relationships? My walk with God? Myself?

I need to look closer to discover the proper way to care for that which is valuable to me... and then make sure I follow the instructions!

if, then

I want to...

  • lead and be led
  • hear and be heard
  • speak and be spoken to
  • give and be given to
  • pour out and be poured into
  • love and be loved
  • hug and be hugged
  • hold and be held
  • laugh and hear laughter
  • rejoice and be rejoiced with
  • carry and be carried
  • smile and be smiled upon
  • see and be seen
  • know and be known
  • understand and be understood
  • comfort and be comforted
  • forgive and be forgiven
  • trust and be trusted
  • believe and be believed in

I cannot have the latters without first doing the formers...

around the bend

We took the interns on safari a few days ago. The first one this year (so they were pretty excited!). We had a great time just getting to connect with them outside of their usual ministry schedule... We saw some amazing animals (rhino, giraffe, and hippo being some of them), but everyone really wanted to see elephants.

We spent two-and-a-half hours looking for them, to no avail. It was early in the morning, and it was frigid (even moreso on the open truck, with the wind in our faces). We started off pretty confident that we'd see the elephants. We were excited. The cold didn't bother us. The early hour didn't stop us. We were gung-ho. Then the minutes started to pass. We drove and drove and drove and drove, and not only did we not see elephants, but we didn't see much of anything at all. We were stopping for poop. Sad when the closest you can get to the creatures is what they leave behind...

After two hours, I'd given up. I'd stopped looking around and simply did my darnedest to stay as warm as I possibly could (by using one of my jackets as a blanket and cuddling with the person next to me). I was just ready to get back to the main complex and have breakfast. Get off the truck and out of the cold wind. I was done.

And then we found them.

As we came around a bend in the road, our driver spotted an elephant off in the distance. We bundu-bashed our way through the brush and, next thing you know, we were surrounded by elephants. There were maybe a dozen of them. The three-month old baby was hiding behind her mommy just feet away from us and one of the large females thought it would be fun to break the side mirror off of the truck. They were that close.

And to think I'd given up!

It makes me think about my life, my dreams and hopes and desires. How many things have I given up on just moments too soon? Just moments before I'd have been surrounded by that which I was waiting for?

Hold on. Hang in there. What you're waiting for may be right around the next bend.

journal journey

I journaled today for the first time in four years.

I used to journal all the time. Almost every day, but sometimes not quite. And then it started to really dwindle. Until I was only writing every few months. And then just once or twice a year. Apparently, four years ago I stopped altogether. I hadn't even realized it had been that long.

I was hoping it would be like riding a bike -- that knowing what and how to write would all instantly come flooding back. It didn't. A blank page is intimidating and scary. But I filled it.

I'm not totally sure the reason I stopped, or the significance of what it all means (or may not mean). And I don't fully comprehend the significance of starting again. But someday maybe I will.

For now, I'll just try to continue putting pen to paper and see what comes...

never give up

I read this a few days ago, and it resonated with me...

It never ceases to amaze me that people never tire of hearing "never give up."

How about you? Is this all you need to hear today? The gifts and dreams God has given you are irrevocable, so Satan knows that he cannot remove those from you. So his tactic is much simpler. If he can just discourage you, then he has won the battle. When we are discouraged, we quit trying...we lose because we don't even attempt.

Never give up. What has God placed within you? God did not give you gifts and dreams to frustrate you. He gave you these gifts so you can use them as a gift back to Him. Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. The Kingdom of God needs you to come through. You have potential that gets wasted unless you overcome your discouragement and stay on track. Problems are part of the process (so are problem people) so never be surprised when you run into roadblocks. Don't let it get you down. Just keep going. Progress is still progress even if you are crawling! Never give up.

When I read it, it was what I needed to hear that day. Maybe it speaks to you, too...